1. Diana Lee, Communications Design major and Marketing minor, Junior.
  2. Although I was required to take this class, I am interested in possibly pursuing a UI/UX concentration. I also get scared when I hear the words computer and science together because I do not have any experience in this field, but I hope this class will alleviate this fear and hopefully grow to enjoy it.
  3. I do not have any experience in HTML/CSS/JS.
  4. I hope to have some background knowledge of CS. I also hope that through this, I will be able apply this to the designs I make. This will also help me decide which field of art/design I might want to go into.
  5. Designing on a screen usually entails the viewer to interact and engage with the designs in order to keep them engaged. This form usually shows how effective the designs are through data, whereas designs are more physically engaging, but it is harder to track the statistical elements of the effectiveness.
  6. Feedmusic Not only is this website initially visually interesting, it forces the audience to engage with the website (almost like a step by step process) that eventually would help guide them throughout the experience. It also gives clear instructions to shows the unique ways they have the have their viewers engage with the effects.
  7. ETQ This brand is known for its simplistic shoe designs and their website clearly reflects and communicates their message. The website is also very easy to navigate and inform their customers throughout their product.
  8. Apple Similar to ETQ, this website also works well because it follows the brand image while also having attributes that make the website easily accessible.